Lord Khjunguz

While Kol-Dawi society is ruled by the accursed Sorceror-Prophets and their Daemonsmith acolytes, it is very rare that any of these mages deigns to concern themselves with the everyday running of their Ziggurats or the legions of dawi, khrobi, and other races that toil within. That duty falls to lesser duardin, to overseers, guild masters, and other such stewards. They rule their own little worlds, their work gangs and merchant guilds, with iron fists, so those above them need but even think of the labour that is done. Those duardin that deal with the oversight of battle are known as Castellans.

The subject of this depiction is Lord Khjunguz, Castellan of the ziggurat of Sorcerer-Prophet Nazz-Shazannar. He, like many Castellans, is a former Variyag who has risen through the ranks, first commanding a unit, then a section of warriors, before eventually being given the responsibility of overall command. It is through his beatings and harsh language that the will of Nazz-Shazannar is done.

The position of Castellan, though still below that of true greatness, is one of privilege and power, and many Castellans abuse their rank for all the benefits they can gain from it. For those gutter-wretches who travel the path from Variyag to Castellan, it is a path of avarice, gluttony, and unimaginable cruelty. Lord Khjunguz is no different - his halls rise almost as tall as those of his master, and within them he gorges on fine wines from Hammerhal and the flesh of rare Ghurish beasts. He is bloated from a life of excess, though this has done little to impact his effectiveness on the battlefield. Indeed, he is an imposing figure, clad in armour of meteoric iron, tall and broad, and wields a great cleaver that can cut the heads from dracolines and sever a charging ogor in two with each weighty swing.


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