The Crownlands of Ormsholm

The Crownlands of Ormsholm - an idyllic rural land of rolling grassy hills and deep forests, nestled in the shelter of a low mountain range. It’s inhabitants live peaceful lives as farmers, hunters, and crafters under the auspices of the Three Kings.

In ancient times, the peoples of the land fought for control of the resources of this land until they were forced to work together to repel an invasion of ice-goblins from the north. Since then, the races of elves, dwarves, and humans have found that together they are worth so much more than the sum of their parts. Each race chooses from their number a King, and the three Kings together rule over the whole Kingdom - each equal and each ruling over all the peoples of the Crowdlands. This usual arrangement has led Ormsholm through thick and thin, war and peace.

When war is called, each village holds a weapon-showing, and each healthy warrior who can be spared brings a spear, a helmet, and a stout shield. They are led by a village elder, proudly bearing a standard of the white crown. Though they vary wildly in size and build, the warriors are well used to each other’s company and make an effective and sturdy shield-wall to repel the foes of the Crownlands.


I made some fantasy good guys! I’m wanting to try some games outside the GW-sphere this year, so I’m building some generic system-and-setting-neutral armies - one a good and noble kingdom and one a legion of daemons. The kits are mainly Oathmark plastics, with a few Frostgrave bits in there too; all from North Star. I really like their middlehammer feel - though there’s some amazing miniatures being designed and released, there’s really something to be said for older-school style plastics! I had to convert the spears for the elves - while the heavy elf infantry have them, the light infantry I’m using are clearly designed more as rangers. Still, no biggie, the dwarf and human infantry sprues had plenty spare!

Oh, and the colours and name are taken from my old reenactment group, which is nice!


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